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Hi my name is Cammie from Astoria, OR. I have PTSD and on medication that could cause seizures. I have a certified PTSD rescue dog, Klhoe, that helps me everyday with my seizures and PTSD. I love her with all my heart but it is time for her to retire her responsibilities. Hugo will be taking her place. He is 10 months old. I have waited 2 years for him. He will be certified through US Service Dogs for my new PTSD seizure rescue dog. But he needs to have knee surgery before he can begin his training. Dr. Spauld at Oceanside Hospital veterinary will be doing the surgery. The surgery is $5000. He cannot be trained until his knee is fixed. We are asking for your help to get his knee fixed. All money from the sale of items on this website will be going towards his surgery. Also you can donate to the Go Fund Me site by clicking on the donate button below.